I have received some private messages regarding this post. Here is what I answered:
I think that what makes this place so special is the honest passion of everyone's belief. We don't always agree but we always care. That is so incredible.
Thank you xxx and yyy for your thoughts. We each need to decide how much the world deserves to know about us, individually. Some believe that the world deserves nothing and others believe that it should know everything. The rest of us are somewhere in between.
There is no right answer. There is just your answer.
I absolutely hate all that I am doing to explain what I am going through. I am doing it for love. I am doing it to protect my wife from the ignorance of others. I am also doing it to advance the dialogue. I cannot accept this ignorance without a fight. I am doing it for myself, everyone else, transgender kids and transgender babies yet to be born.
We have been around forever and enough of this evil ignorance. We deserve better and we should not settle for less.
They have shamed us for too long.
Grab your life as you see fit and include those that you deem worthy. For God's sake, enjoy your life!
Massive hug,