Jas thank you for sharing your thoughts. I was very specific to voice my personal opinion and totally respect that everyone is entitled to their own. This is a massively difficult topic filled with very deep emotional feelings.
In my opinion, men who cross dress don't offend me because they have a psychological need to do so, just as I have a need to transition. Do they make it difficult for the general public to separate a trans woman from a crossdresser? Absolutely but they are driven to it by their fetishist need. For most of my life I thought I was a fetishist until I understood I was transgender.
Crossdressers and fetishists live with shame as they explore their desires in the privacy of their home. Drag queens are extreme extroverts who seek public attention. Many are able to profit from it.
Since they get so much public attention for their parody of women I feel, accepting that I am overly sensitive, that they muddy the waters for the public to understand the difference between being a drag queen and being a trans woman.
It is also true that the public thought Charlie Chan and Al Jolson were funny in their day.
Please enjoy the shows but I, personally, won't be there. There is also truth in personal choice.
Best regards,