Jim I am absolutely not belittling the history of drag and its importance to the gay community.
I totally respect your point of view.
My very personal point of view is totally biased by my lifetime of binary training and the binary world in which I raised. I am not gay. I am coming to terms with my late-life gender dysphoria that has turned my sense of gender upside down. As I re-orientate myself, I have put my new sensitivities and experiences on display here by writing and sharing. Agreed that they still may need more formation or, at the very least, less sensitivity. I am learning in a short time what a lifetime of ignorance hid from me. I am totally OK with criticism.
Gender, I have learned, is a minefield of opinions.
Separately, as a side note, it is interesting that if drag queens are a parody of a class of people, so few find drag kings funny.
Warm regards,