Joanna, I know you read what other transgender women have written as I have. I struggle with physically transitioning and what I perceive is a selfish act. I have had many people tell me that, to survive, a selfish act is necessary.
I have asked repeatedly, why do I need to physically transition at 67 years of age. How much time do I have left to put myself and my family through this? As I have written, to outsiders this looks like a vane or even insane decision. I would take a bullet for my wife but I am finding that I don’t have the strength to withstand constant emotional papercuts every day for the rest of my life. They all have a choice; I am forced by a need.
This defines a rock and a hard place.
The world has conspired to make our lives painful. There is no fairness in it. I hope others start to see it more. We are worthy of so much more.
LMMV (“Your Mileage May Vary”) is the exact description of the transgender experience, we each suck totally different lives that transitioning entirely different from one person to another but at least we are all driving on the same road.
I hope you find the peace and joy you deserve.